Upgraded to RubyMine 5, it feels the same as 4.5 to me

I’m still a new RubyMine user after deciding to purchase a license back in September. I was a full time Vim user before that so I wasn’t sure how the transition back to an “IDE” would go. There are pros and cons that I won’t go into, but if I had to pick a Ruby IDE, this would be it. It has a lot of features I need, and not a lot that I don’t. That says something in a world of IDEs that are super bloated…looking at you MyEclipse
First thing I did was finally hook up RSpec to the internal test runner. Previously I would just run them via the command line and a key bind I created “;spec” which would execute “bundle exec rspec”, then tab back to the IDE when it was done. I kind of like the integrated runner, especially when it’s green.
So now I can just hit “^r” and off I go, no more fumbling for iTerm, making sure I’m in the right directory, waiting, switching back…etc.

Review: Yukon Hyperextension for Glute Ham Raise

You don’t find too many Hyper Extension machines in home gyms, but my posterior chain is a known weak spot for me and since my theme so far is “work your weakness”, I needed to add one. I’ve tried the DIY route using plans around the internet but it didn’t work out well, I thought maybe I was that weak I couldn’t really do a true Glute Ham Raise. After finally using a real GHD machine, I determined it was my crappy DIY job that was the issue. I needed to buy a legit piece of equipment. Continue reading “Review: Yukon Hyperextension for Glute Ham Raise”